6 Most Useful Power Tools and Items

6 Most Useful Power Tools and Items

You’ve thought about doing more DIY projects around the home for a while, but the thought of all that manual labour turns you off.

Who wants to spend hours on a weekend sawing, hacking, screwing, and sweating away when you could be lounging in front of the TV? That’s a dilemma many homeowners battle. The desire to make your home beautiful on a budget versus binge-watching your favourite Netflix show.

That dilemma is probably because you’ve never given power tools a try before. Power tools are the answer to having the best of both worlds. If you’re finally ready to make the leap into more DIY projects and invest in basic power tools, here are some tools you simply cannot do without:

Power Tool #1: Power Drill and Driver

A power drill is a necessary tool for many DIY projects because it is used to drill holes. This power tool allows you to tighten screws more tightly and efficiently than by hand. An impact driver is another useful tool to have. They’re available in a set with power drills.

Both handy-dandy power tools have the advantage of completing a single task more quickly. Plus, you don’t have to exert as much energy into your work. You can browse a collection of power drills and other tools at retailers like Mississauga Hardware.

Power Tool #2: Cordless Drill

There’s a reason this is considered a must-have on the power tool list. If you’re going to buy anything, it should be a cordless drill. You’ll be so glad you did, and you’ll even wonder why you didn’t get it sooner.

A cordless drill can be used for a variety of projects. If you need to drill a hole in a wall, wood, or another difficult surface, this tool can help. These drills are typically powered by a battery, making them extremely portable.

They are also strong enough to drive screws through thicker materials, such as wood planks. There are corded options, but they are not as portable as their cordless counterparts.

Power Tool #3: Power Screwdriver

If you have to bend over and turn the screwdriver endlessly just to get in one single screw, then you’ll love what the power screwdriver can do for you. Power screwdrivers are a hybrid of a hand screwdriver and a drill.

While they may be less versatile and run a little slower than a cordless drill, don’t sell them short just yet. They do, however, have more torque than most drills, allowing you to screw directly into hard materials. This is one of the reasons why they remain very popular among the power tool list.

Power Tool #4: Jigsaw and Circular Saw

A jigsaw is used to cut almost anything that does not need a straight edge. A corded jigsaw is less expensive than a cordless jigsaw for a DIY beginner on a tight budget. Some saws have a laser guide feature, which comes in handy when cutting materials.

Depending on your preference, a jigsaw comes in a corded and cordless variety. It’s nice to have a cordless one, but it’s unnecessary.

A circular saw cuts a board much faster than a handsaw would, saving you valuable time in the process. It’s easy to be intimidated by a circular saw, but once you get the hang of it, you’re going to love it. It does take some practice to get the hang of it, but the new circular saws are efficient and simple to use. It allows you to cut larger wood pieces that a mitre saw can’t.

Power Tool #5: Breaker (Demolition Hammer)

The primary function of this tool, also known as a “jackhammer” sometimes, is for demolition projects that involve breaking up hard surfaces. Among these surfaces include concrete, brick, or asphalt.

This power tool is considered a heavy-duty profile, though. This means that it requires some physical strength to get the job done, but the tool will come in handy for DIY projects like patio removal and installation.

Power Tool #6: Nail Gun

Nail guns are a type of power tool that fires nails. It’s as simple as that. They serve as a replacement for hammers and are useful for any project that requires nails.

If you’re going to be using a lot of nails, a nail gun could come in handy. Most of them are powered by compressed air, but electric models are also available. There are various nail guns available, depending on the size of the nail you need to use.